Savannah Lyons, PT, DPT

Savannah, a passionate and dedicated physical therapist, hails from Lone Jack, Missouri. Her journey to Alaska began as a student physical therapist when she was exposed to the unique Alaskan lifestyle during a clinical rotation. Captivated by the beauty and opportunities that Alaska had to offer, Savannah made the decision to return and become a full-time Alaskan after graduating. 

Accompanied by her faithful companion, Aurora the dog, Savannah embraces the Alaskan way of life. She finds solace and joy in hiking with Aurora, exploring the breathtaking landscapes that surround her. Savannah has fully embraced Alaskan hobbies, including fishing, hunting, skiing, and immersing herself in the great outdoors. 

In addition to her love for outdoor activities, Savannah is passionate about fitness and staying active. She enjoys engaging in CrossFit and working out, recognizing the importance of physical well-being in overall health. During her spare time, she finds comfort in reading, expanding her knowledge, and exploring different literary worlds. 

Savannah’s true passion lies in working with fitness athletes of all ages. She is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fitness goals, providing them with the guidance and support they need to excel in their athletic pursuits. 

With her genuine passion for Alaska, dedication to her patients, and commitment to promoting health and wellness, Savannah is a valuable asset to our team. Her enthusiasm for the Alaskan lifestyle and her expertise in working with fitness athletes make her a trusted and compassionate physical therapist.

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